The November 8th election is quickly approaching, and you need to know where your candidates stand on the issue of abolishing abortion! That's why we sent out candidate surveys to folks who want to be your State Representative and State Senator. But before you check the results, please make sure you have signed the petition to Abolish Abortion in Alabama. Your signed petition will send a loud and clear message to the politicians in Montgomery that Alabamians expect them to pass this important legislation to protect precious babies in the womb. Now onto the results of the 2022 Candidate Survey. Both candidates for Governor have refused to return their End Abortion Alabama Candidate Survey. When a candidate for public office refuses to fill out a simple candidate survey, you have to wonder what they are hiding and why they won't go on record supporting abolishing abortion in Alabama. The following candidates returned their End Abortion Alabama Candidate Surveys 100%, pledging to support abolishing abortion in our state and providing equal protection for preborn children.
State Senate
SD 1 Tim Melson
SD 2 Tom Butler
SD 6 Larry Stutts
SD 12 Keith Kelley
SD 13 Randy Price
SD 17 Shay Shelnutt
SD 31 Josh Carnley
State House
HD 3 Kerry Underwood
HD 7 Ernie Yarbrough
HD 11 Randall Shedd
HD 13 Matt Woods
HD 17 Tracy Estes
HD 25 Phillip Rigsby
HD 26 Brock Colvin
HD 28 Mack Butler
HD 39 Ginny Shaver
HD 43 Arnold Mooney
HD 48 Jim Carns
HD 74 Charlotte Meadows
If your candidates are not on this list, please be sure to call them and urge them to fight to abolish abortion in Alabama. If your candidates are on the list above, contact them and thank them for taking a stand for preborn babies. It is critical your elected officials hear from you when they are seeking your vote for public office. Abortion is still legal in Alabama, and we must demand our elected officials step up for babies in the womb and ban abortion in our state. After you've called your elected officials, please chip in a few bucks to help us in the fight for preborn children. We can't do it without the generous support of people like you.
